Even the eye wants its part!

Bars, restaurants, pubs, shops and department stores need background music, to make the client feel at ease.

The sound system must ensure a uniform sound distribution, total reliability and, obviously, a great sound quality, otherwise it may become annoying. Equally important is the intelligibility of the words because the system can be used for advertisements, service or emergency announcements.

Settings architecture is an increasingly characterising element.

The sound system must fit in with the surroundings.

From the small bar to the big franchise chain, the goal is always the same: characterise the setting with a clear and recognisable identity.
Interior designers seek, through small details, the integration of functional elements with the design of the space.

Audio speakers can turn into something that doesn’t need to be hidden, actually they can be aesthetically ehnanced as a distinctive feature of the environment.

With this in mind we have added to the usual dedication towards acoustic results a stylistic research, building a range of speakers with
unusual geometries and a precious sound

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